The home buying process can be stressful, especially when you’re house hunting with your partner. Your partner’s dream home may be different than yours, making it feel impossible to find a house that makes you both happy. Maybe you want a home in a walkable neighborhood close to town, while your partner wants a few acres out in the country.
With that thought in mind — and Valentine’s Day just around the corner! — we want to share five tips for house hunting with your partner.
1. Make individual must-have lists and find your commonalities.
If you want to truly compromise when it comes to finding your perfect home, it’s important to figure out what must-haves you have in common with your partner. Start with a list of ten things, aiming to have at least five that match. If needed, go up to 15 or 20 features. Once you’ve determined five similarities, let those agreed-upon items — like backyard space and number of bedrooms or bathrooms — guide you in the home buying process.
2. No matter what, agree on the right things.
When it comes to house hunting, you have to agree on certain non-negotiable. For instance, you can’t search for a home if you don’t have a location in mind! Narrow down your search parameters as much as possible: Do you desire a certain neighborhood or school system? Do you want to limit your daily commute to the office to ten miles? Is it important to have a walking path or dog park nearby?
3. Determine the right budget.
Budget is another item that you must discuss ahead of time. Couples often disagree on how much money to spend on a house. Do you compromise your wish list for a lower monthly payment? Or take on a higher mortgage to purchase your forever home? Note that your monthly payment should not exceed 25 percent of your take-home pay. Staying within the price range helps to set reasonable boundaries for your search.
4. Trust your real estate agent!
Your realtor can serve as mediator, offering expert and unbiased advice based on your specific needs and the current state of the housing market. Without emotional ties to the process, they can help to ease tensions and find a solution that makes both you and your partner happy.
5. Consider pausing your house hunt.
If you’re truly struggling to get on the same page with your partner, take a two-week break. Disagreements during the home buying process can cause serious problems in your relationship. Focus on repairing that divide before you dive back into your search. Remember: Your relationship is more important than a house!
House hunting with your partner is both fun and challenging.
The more prepared you are, the better off you’ll be. Good luck!
Let The Urban Dog Group help you with your real estate needs. Contact Christine Elias at caerealestate@gmail.com.