As summer heats up (pun intended!), it’s particularly important to keep your pets’ safety top of mind. High temperatures can be dangerous for your furry friends.
In today’s blog post, I want to share five tips to help ensure a safe summer for your pets.
1. Never leave your pet in the parked car.
Did you know that, in hot weather, your car can reach 117 degrees with all four windows cracked in just 30 minutes? This high temperature can quickly result in fatal heat stroke for your pets (more on that below). Plus, it’s illegal in several states, including Florida, to leave your pet alone in a parked car.
2. Look out for signs of heat stroke.
Although all animals are prone to heat stroke in warmer weather, dogs with short snouts, like bulldogs, boxers, or Persian cats, are especially vulnerable because they cannot pant as effectively as animals with longer snouts. Other animals at higher risk include overweight pets, those with thick fur, or those with upper respiratory problems. Common symptoms of heat stroke include:
Heavy panting
Inability to calm down, even when lying down
Brick red gums
Fast heart rate
Inability to stand up
Bloody diarrhea and/or vomit
3. Treat heat stroke immediately.
If your pet’s temperature reaches above 105 degrees, cool them down immediately by using the water hose to bring their temperature down to 103 degrees. Then, get them to a vet as soon as possible! If left untreated, heat stroke can lead to organ issues, including permanent damage.
4. Keep your pup hydrated!
Pets can get dehydrated extremely quickly. Make sure that they have access to fresh, clean water, especially when it’s hot and humid outside. Additionally, ensure they have a shady spot outdoors; don’t exercise them too much; and keep them indoors in high temperatures.
5. Ensure that your pet is secure if you plan to leave them home alone during fireworks.
From Memorial Day to Labor Day (and especially on the Fourth of July!), the summer months are a popular time for firework shows. If loud, sudden noises frighten your dog, make sure that they are safe indoors. Something as simple as soft music in a room with no windows can make a big difference. An anxiety vest or snug-fitting shirt may help as well. You may also want to talk to your veterinarian about anti-anxiety medication.
Although cats are not as bothered by loud noises, they can get scared. Fortunately, they often hide when frightened (as opposed to running away). To help them remain calm, play gentle music and keep them inside.
If your pet tries to eat unusual things, it’s particularly important to steer them away from fireworks and firework debris, as they contain several types of chemicals and heavy metals. If you set off fireworks at home, be sure to completely clean up the yard before letting your dog or cat out again.
Let The Urban Dog Group help you with your real estate needs. Contact Christine Elias at caerealestate@gmail.com.